Insights Into Tomorrow

Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 7 "Deadly Force"

Sam and Joseph Whalen Season 1 Episode 7

In the wake of the death of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks and so many other minorities at the hands of police we take a look at the concept of deadly force. We'll explore what deadly force is by looking at the legal standard for deadly force. We will explore the authority invested in police to use force, when that use of force can be escalated and the rules around how and when police can use force.

We'll examine the Use of Force Continuum and explore the lack of a centralized set of standards for police within the United States and how that in combination with varying local laws can lead to abuse of police authority. We'll explore the inconsistent and decentralized training of police throughout the country. We will examine laws that have been on the books for years that were designed to shield rogue elements of the police force from public scrutiny.

We have a broken system of law enforcement in this country today that is resulting in deadly outcomes far more frequently then it should. We'll explore some of these break downs in the system and we'll also look at changes that are happening now thanks to the sacrifices of individuals like Eric Garner, George Floyd, Rayshard Books and many  more. A change is need, and a change is happening now with more reforms and consequences to come.

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