Insights Into Tomorrow

Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 8 "Voter Suppression"

Sam and Joseph Whalen Season 1 Episode 8

We explore the controversial topic of voter suppression in this episode. We'll take a look at the various forms of voter suppression dating back to the founding of our country up until the present time. We'll investigate the various laws that on the surface were portrayed as a method of preserving the integrity of our voting system but in reality were tied to the ever present but rarely proven fear of voter fraud.

We dive deep into the current voter suppression techniques employed today that are designed to manipulate, inconvenience and disenfranchise a large portion of the voting public. We'll discuss the corrupt, racist and anti-democratic motivations for such schemes and how they are eroding our political system.

Finally we'll look to the future of voter suppression and the impact it will have on our country as a whole. All in an attempt to educate the voting public. Because if there's one thing politicians fear it's an informed, educated and motivate block of voters who are immune to the tried and true manipulative techniques that all politicians employ to gain themselves political office.

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