Insights Into Tomorrow

Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 9 "Entertainment À la carte"

Sam and Joseph Whalen Season 1 Episode 9

This week we tone it down a bit from the hard hitting topics we've been talking about and take a look at streaming services and how we get our entertainment. We'll take a quick look at the history of Radio, Television and Cable to see how our entertainment options have evolved. We'll explore niche options for customizing our entertainment options like VCR's, DVR's and the rental market.

We look at today's options and the evolution of streaming media and how it is affecting the entertainment industry today. How are awards shows, cable networks and movie theaters evolving to meet our ever changing demands.

Finally we'll look to the future and where we thing the industry is going. Is there a future for traditional cable providers? Is radio a dying medium? How will ubiquitous internet change the entertainment industry?

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